Keeping Allergens Out of your home!





Our bodies and homes are exposed to allergens at every turn. Each and every day our bodies fight an uphill battle to keep these invaders out. Give your body a break by taking a few precautionary steps.

One of the biggest culprits of allergens is fabric, including the carpets under your feet. If you are a true allergy sufferer you’d be served well by upgrading your home to hard surface floors such as hardwoods, laminate, polished or stained concrete, or tile.

Carpets have a way of holding on to dust, mites, and dander. Hard surfaces on the other hand can be wiped clean. If you are committed to carpet it’s time to step up the cleaning routine! Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter and opt for natural fiber carpets, such as wool.

For those bedding items that can’t be washed on a regular basis arm them with dust-mite covers. These pillow and mattress covers can be bought online or at your local bedding store.

To keep extra allergens out, be sure to close all of your windows during high pollen days and season. Finally, be on watch for moisture.

Kitchen and baths can be breeding grounds for mold, which is a top allergen for many people. Mold thrives in moisture rich environments, such as around tubs, sinks, and refrigerators. Clean your fridge regularly and dispose of old or moldy food. .

Allergens are all around us, but take a few easy steps to protect your arm and your pains will be eased this allergy season!